Tangier Island Transportation
Chesapeake Bay Cruise Boat, Steven Thomas, provides transportation toTangier Island from Crisfield Maryland.
Chesapeaek Breeze Cruises
Reedville Rates

Visit Tangier Island from the Western Shore of the Chesapeake Bay, direct from Reedville, Virginia upon the Chesapeake Breeze..

Transportation to Tangier Island
Chesapeake Breeze


 468 Buzzard Point Road 
Reedville, Va. 22539 
Phone: 804-453-BOAT (2628) 

                   Seven Days a Week May to October
                        Call or Email  for Schedule
                      Phone: 804-453-BOAT (2628) 
Departs Reedsville
10:00 AM
Arrives Tangier Island
 11:30 PM
Departs Tangier Island
 2:00 PM
Arrives Reedville
3:30 PM

Chesapeaek Breeze Cruises
Reedville Rates

U.S. Coast Guard approved and designed for your comfort and safety. 

Accommodations, Transportation, Cruises,
Restaurants, Tours, Eco Tours, Sunset Cruises,
and more...........

The cruise will operate daily (including Sunday) beginning mid May and will run through  mid October.
Call For Reservations 

Departure Point - Dock located at:

Buzzard's Point Marina 
 5 minutes off the Chesapeake Bay at 37.50.556 N and 076.17.236 W, right here in Reedville, Va.

Tangier Island Bed and Breakfasts, Transportation to Tangier Island, Tangier Island Cruises, Sunset Tours, Eco Tours, Restaurants, History, and more...
Tangier Island - Information: Click Here

Click Above to submit a request for information regarding travel to Tangier, accommodations, restaurants, tours, eco tours, sunset cruises, and more.

Where time stopped-still some twenty years ago! One visitor to Tangier Island states, "The most unbelievable sunsets you can ever imagine; no doubt, the next thing to heaven.  It is truly a great experience, getting back to the roots of your being."
No cars, no trains; the only transportation to Tangier Island is by boat or by small airplane. When you arrive, plan to leisurely stroll around the island.
Click Here
Visit us again soon for additional information on Tangier Island, until then contact us direct for information regarding Tangier Island: Transportation to the island, Tangier Island Bed and Breakfasts - Accommodations and Lodging, Restaurants, Eco Tours, Tangier Island Sunset Tours, anything in general, Click Above.

Tangier Island Accommodations
Tangier Island Bed and Breakfasts

History of Tangier
Tangier Island History
Families of Tangier Island to mention a few:  Crockett, Pruitt

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